Full Moon Breathwork w/Halie
Thursday 2/13 | 6:30-8:15pm | Book your spot via www.halieelliott.com
Service Description
Full Moon Breathwork w/ Halie Elliott Link to book: https://www.halieelliott.com No one is exempt from the human experience of stress. Throughout our lives and through our experiences, we all collect built-up stress and unprocessed emotions. Over time, the debris from stress can take up space in our mind. Did you know that it collects in our physical body too? Built up stress and unprocessed emotions turn into triggers, limiting beliefs, fears, physical ailments, and so much more. This can dictate the way we show up, how we feel in our body, and how we interact with the world around us. Preventing you from being Who You Are on a Soul Level! This powerful practice utilizes your breath to work toward understanding and uncovering your most authentic self. Breathwork is like a cleansing for your mind, body and spirit. By awakening your deep intuition and activating self-healing, you can use your breath as a tool to LET GO of what is no longer serving you. Let Breathwork help YOU guide YOURSELF toward more love, more peace, more balance, more opportunities, more BLISS. A LITTLE ABOUT THE BREATH This Breathwork practice consists of a 3-part, active breathing technique that is designed to de-stress your nervous system. In doing so, we can quiet our over-thinking mind and awaken our bodies deep intuition. This practice allows us access to stored stressors of all kinds, past and present, giving us the opportunity to see things through a different lens, while supporting a natural release. Let Breathwork help guide you back to YOU! Join us Thursday, 2/13 | 6:15-8pm | $35 DROP-IN Please follow the link to book your spot: https://www.halieelliott.com
Contact Details
264 North Broadway unit 201b, Salem, NH, USA