Yoga • Meditation • Journaling
Vision Boards • Intention Candles
Sunday, January 1st 2023
10AM - 2PM
2023 is just around the corner… can you believe it?! This is such a potent, powerful time to immerse yourself in reflection & intention as we cross the bridge between old and new - between what has already happened and the ultimate potential that lies ahead in the new year. We will always be faced with uncertainty… possibility… but this year it’s time to navigate your path with intentional choice.
New Year Intention Immersion is back for its 4th year in a row, and my-oh-my has it evolved into a beautiful, enlightening & empowering event - one that feels so deeply sacred and aligned to help you step fully into 2023 with clarity, passion & purpose.
An intensive workshop created to lead you into a space of reflection...
through movement, meditation & journaling practices to help you understand what worked really well for you this past year, while also identifying what did not go so well for you.
When we can open ourselves to our truths, we can then begin to paint a picture of what we want more of and what we want less of as we move into 2023.

This workshop is for the courageous souls who are ready to look at “what has been”
objectively, and use this wisdom to feel empowered as you embark a whole new year. This is not “new year, new you.” This is new year, clearer you, empowered you, wholly you. You are ready to take action. You are ready to embody the highest version of you. This workshop will lead you to meet this version of your Self.